This info is outdated... and I don't want another job anyway.
I'm doing exactly what I want to do. :)
Producer / Product Manager in the Software Industry
- Accomplished project manager and producer.
- Strong technical and artistic aptitude, both creative and analytical.
Experienced in graphic design, programming, 3D modeling, video editing, music composition.
- Excellent communicator, talented at clearly conveying complex information.
- Skilled at evaluating and improving products with a passion for design and usability.
- Enthusiastic and collaborative, leads by developing strong relationships.
- Organized and diligent, a fast and efficient learner.
- Ranked in the top 5% of yearly employee performance reviews at Midway Games.
professional history
Associate Producer
- Primary production owner for two successfully completed milestones on This is Vegas, a next-generation video game. Led the daily review meetings, prioritized tasks, and facilitated communication between groups to ensure on time delivery.
- Worked closely with the programming, design, and art teams to identify and solve problems and improve efficiency.
- Managed two of the sub-teams developing game features and tools. Created and maintained their schedules, directed discussions of new features, and represented the teams at higher level meetings.
This is Vegas / Xbox 360, PS3, Windows / Expected release in 2009
Central FX Producer
Concurrent with Assistant & Associate Producer positions at Midway / 2006-2007
- Grew a one-studio/one-project team to become Midway’s Central FX Group, a shared production resource utilized by five studios. The group was praised for their collaborative efforts and used as a model for other shared groups across the company.
- Developed and maintained positive relationships with other studios. Successfully balanced simultaneous deadlines for the group’s high-quality effects work.
- Produced a weekly work-in-progress video to promote transparency and accountability.
Completed Projects
Stranglehold / Xbox 360, PS3, Windows / 2007
BlackSite: Area 51 / Xbox 360, PS3, Windows / 2007
Assistant Producer
Midway Games - Surreal Software / Seattle, Washington, United States / 2005-2006
- Created tools in use at multiple studios to simplify repetitive production tasks:
a one-click solution to format Microsoft Word documents for an internal company wiki and a tool to automate the tedious process of uploading multiple files via the web.
- Designed a custom schedule and task tracking solution using Microsoft Excel
and Visual Basic for Applications (macros).
Managed a team of artists creating 3D models for an offsite project.
project history
Designer / Programmer / Artist
- Created Universe Sandbox, an interactive space simulator for experimenting with gravity, learning about our solar system, and unleashing destruction on an unimaginable scale.
- Designed and built the entire project: envisioned the core concept, coded the simulation, created the menu system, wrote the tutorials, conducted usability testing,
and developed the online presence.
- Fulfilled the goal of making science fun and accessible to a non-technical audience.
Producer / Cinematographer / Editor
- Developed realistic shooting schedules, secured filming locations, and coordinated a cast and crew of thirty individuals given limited time and monetary constraints.
- Produced, photographed, and edited three dramatic digital films and two documentaries.
Producer / Technical Director
- Led the production, created the 3D environments, and developed a unique style of integrating character illustrations into a 3D environment.
DarWest / Digital Animated Film / 1999-2000
additional skills
- Experience developing software with Visual Basic.NET and C#.
- Strong background in web site design and construction using Dreamweaver,
- Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop.
- Expert knowledge of Word, Excel, and Outlook (including creation of macros).
- Functional with Visio, Access, Project, Adobe InDesign, and CorelDraw.
- I've got lots of video game experience and I can run fast. :)
Bachelor of General Studies
Emphasis on Psychology and a minor in Studio Art
Indiana University / Bloomington, Indiana, United States
- “If I were starting my own company,
Dan Dixon is one of the first people I would call with a job offer.”
- “I'm a big fan of Dan Dixon. His burning passion and enthusiasm will lift up entire teams.”
- “Dan's strengths are too numerous to mention here, and spread across an amazingly diverse spectrum of talents.”